Vitamin A

Vitamin A

VITAMIN A Vitamin A is necessary to support healthy eyesight and immune system functions; children who are deficient face an increased risk of blindness and death from infections such as measles and diarrhea. Vitamin A is known to actively participate in the adipocyte...
Vitamin A


IRON Iron is an essential mineral critical for motor and cognitive development. Populations inthe developing countries, premenopausal females, pregnant women, children, vegetarians and frequent blood donors are largely affected by iron deficiency due to low dietary...
Vitamin A


MICRONUTRIENTMicronutrients are dietary components, often referred to as vitamins and minerals. These components are extremely necessary for our bodies. Although they are required in minute amounts, their availability is vital to body development, disease prevention,...
Vitamin A


SUGARThe pandemic of sucrose consumption appears endless. Global consumption for 2016/17 is forecast at a record 174 million metric tons (raw value), exceeding production. Sugars supply food energy but no other nutrients (empty calories) and increase risk of...
Vitamin A


DRINKING WATERWater has no calories and is to be privileged as the first source of hydration when you want to manage your weight. Preliminary research among overweight adults who are dieting as part of a healthy lifestyle, suggests that drinking water as the first...